Monday, September 12, 2022

The 8 Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression

These eight values are quite necessary in upholding the nature of the United States government, which is a representative democracy and constitutional republic. These values help one to be honest and know the proper way to conduct oneself socially in society. These values are based on respect and personal responsibility in relationship to others to promote a strong sense of American unity and community these values become more and more importantly vital every day, especially in today’s social and political climate, and in this blog we will discuss more in depth about these values and the free expression that the Founding Fathers intended for us to enjoy.

These values help us to see that free expressions is something that US citizens care about very much. I believe that everyone likes to be heard, but this desire to be heard should not be at the expense of others whose voice doesn’t quite sound like yours. And your voice and opinion should not be louder than mine, especially by the doing of unjust measures like censorship and cancel culture. But thankfully, all these values work together to promote speech without suppression or interference by the government or one’s societal peers.

Out of all the eight values, the value that I deemed most important is a check on governmental power. This is especially needed today because government overreach is common theme and rarely goes unchecked. But I believe that many do not check their government because they do not really know the law. They cannot define it and do not know the context of it. Others also do not hold their government accountable because of the fear of criticism and ostracism.

But I try to encourage others to hold their government accountable because it is their moral responsibility and civic duty to do so. And when the government goes unchecked for a while, they will begin to think that it is okay, that they can continue to do it, and that we are passive enough to let it happen. But I believe that more Americans are waking up and deciding to participate in the government and policy that affects their lives the most.

The value that resonates with me is the protection of dissent. This resonated with me because as I grew up, became more informed, and formed more of an opinion, many people I knew wanted to act like me disagreeing with them is a crime. But, I asked the question in response: “Since when?” The beauty of America is the ability to disagree with just cause and without punishment, unlike socialistic and communistic countries like Cuba, China, and North Korea.

 We must “protect” the ability to disagree with others and hold fast to our own opinion. The “protection” is a fight, a continual and strenuous process. It requires action on our part. This value reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “Freedom lasts as long as your willingness to defend it.” It’s our job to be watchmen; we must be vigilant because if we get lazy and complacent, what we cherish can vanish without us being aware. In America, we do not want to wake up and wonder where our freedom, liberty, and privileges went.

But, it is ironic to me that in society, some claim to be the party or the “side of the aisle” with tolerance, but they only tolerate what they deem acceptable or worth being tolerated. Tolerance sounds good when it rolls off the tongue, but I have personally come to realize that tolerance is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many people that I personally do not care too much for and strongly disagree with their views, but I have to learn to look past those differences and respect their right to formulate their opinion. Being intolerant, through censorship, bullying, and cancel culture, is the easy way out. Being able to remain calm and respect what someone has to say, no matter what: that is the definition of maturity. And believe me, a lot of people need a nice dose of a tolerance and maturity.

For example, when I voiced my opinion on how vaccine mandates for a non-FDA approved vaccine is UNCONSTITUTIONAL or how the BLM organization is a scam stealing people’s money, not helping black families, but instead buying mansions with that money, you would believe the amount of backlash I received and the amount of censorship that came my way on social media. When I said I supported President Donald Trump and believe that the 2020 election was stolen from him in more ways than one, I have been called “coon” and been verbally attacked by the “tolerant.”

Although America looks very different from when we started, I believe that there will be a turn around in this nation. More and more are standing up for themselves and others in order to defend the beauty and sanctity of the principles of this nation! AMERICA IS STILL THE BEST NATION EVER ESATBLISHED!

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