Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Final Blog Post

 My Relationship with Technology and Its  Relationship with Me

Technology has been such a blessing in the advancement and growth of civilization. But with every good thing, some adverse effects can come about. Because of various technologies, so many people enjoy a better quality of life and experience the world in such a different light. In this blog post, I endeavor to dive into the ins and out of technology and how it has affected me and society.

My relationship with technology is complicated; some days are good, and some are bad. Since I grew up in the age of technology, I was always familiar with and constantly surrounded by the technology used to make things faster, more accessible, and more efficient. From the Hello Kitty alarm clock on my nightstand that I dreaded waking up to as a child to the ring doorbell detecting every movement on our porch and driveway, technology was all around me and still is. But along with good uses of technology, there were not-as-good uses as well. But overall, I like technology and enjoy how it has enhanced my life. For the most part, my relationship with technology is healthy, and I endeavor to keep it that way!

This healthy relationship can partly be attributed to my parents and how they regulated my use of technology and social media. They ensured that I enjoyed the beauty of my childhood and did not grow up with my face on a screen. I was a late bloomer with technology compared to others in my age group. My parents bought me a phone when I was going to high school, and they only did it because there was a sale for a family bundle by our carrier. My peers had phones in elementary and middle school. Regarding social media, I made Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat accounts during my senior year in high school. I always was so busy and consumed with school and extracurricular activities that there was no need for social media. But I was also fortunate that my parents showed me that I didn't necessarily need social media and did not have to depend on it. They taught me that technology is supplementary and is good when you allow it to enhance your life instead of allowing it to consume your life.

But sadly, most parents allow their children to use technology frivolously and do not hold them accountable for their use. These parents also need to discuss how much of a role technology should take in their lives. Therefore, far too many children grew up with a distorted view of the realities of the technological world and the power that technology has to change and alter many aspects of one's life mentally, spiritually, physically, and psychologically, both positively and negatively. This distorted reality has inclined them to be more likely to misuse, overuse, and weaponize technology. These incidents of abuse are why we have seen so many negative effects of social media and the harmful applications of technology in society. 

In many ways, technology has helped aid society and propel it forward. But in many ways, technology has been poorly used to hurt people and negatively affect their lives. These negative technological uses include cyberbullying, mass tech surveillance, and hacking. And history has proven that poor and excessive use of technology, especially social media, is directly correlated to increased suicide rates, technological addiction, unrealistic expectations, unhealthy sleep patterns, and even a lowered attention span and focus. 


Technology has also done good. Technological advancement is propelled forward in the name of convenience and efficiency. But is it necessary to sacrifice the positives that exist intrinsically in society for technological convenience? For example, with the advancement and popularity of texting and messaging, a decrease in face-to-face interaction and personability have become more present in society. A lack of these valuable skills is a bad deal, so we must consciously keep utilizing those skills while also utilizing the technologies of our day. Maturity reflects one's ability to responsibly use technology and never let it change their quality of life. 

Also, maturity is knowing the balance between what to post and what not to post. Responsible users also discern when the timing is right to post things. They evaluate their inward motives for posting and sharing things online and determine how much information they are willing to share with the world. When I come across something on Instagram that I want to share, I ask myself questions to ensure I am portraying the best image and reputation to the world. I ensure I am at peace with what I put on the internet. I want whatever I put out to inform, challenge, inspire, and positively influence those who see it. I do not want my online footprint to consist of poorly thought-out posts and comments based on emotion. I want my online footprint to be moderate and accurately reflect who I am.  

Our digital footprint is how the world sees us in society. What we choose to share on various platforms and websites tells a story. The narrative that is projected is up to us. As a society, we must be more selective and tasteful concerning our online presence. We must suppress the feeling of making poor technological choices just to be famous, be trending, be liked, be highly followed, and go viral. Our online presence and digital footprint will remain positive when our choices are inspired by pure, sound judgment instead of frivolous and superficial desires. 

Overall, technology and its advancements throughout time have been such a blessing to society and individuals based on their personal needs. From the medical to the entertainment industry, technology has been a game-changer, vital aid, and critical factor of top performance in numerous areas across the vocational spectrum. Technology has a good, bad, and ugly side, like almost everything in life. But it is our responsibility to embrace the good, minimize the bad, address the ugliness and restore technology's intrinsic beauty.


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Final Blog Post

  My  Relationship with Technology and Its   Relationship with Me Technology has been such a blessing in the advancement and growth of civi...