Wednesday, October 5, 2022

EOTO Concept/Term That I Learned from Someone Else

 EOTO Concept/Term That I Learned from Someone Else

I really enjoyed this round of EOTO presentations. The topics were very interesting because I could see their very complex nature in modern society. From the increase in alternative media to the mouths of public figures dripping with propaganda, we can see how these concepts and theories have shaped America's culture.

The concept that really stuck out to me was confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is when one seeks out news and conversation that confirms and supports how one believes and thinks. This is a natural tendency for everyone because we tend to seek and go after commonality in the many aspects of life. We tend to befriend those who have the same values as us. In court, we call witnesses who will aid and confirm our claims. This bias is everywhere.

I really enjoyed learning about this concept because I have found myself using confirmation bias more than I would like to. In some instances, I use it as a defense mechanism. I recognize where my worldview lies on the social acceptance spectrum and many people and news outlets try to vilify my beliefs through lies. So, I am very cautious and hesitant to go to those news sources that have an obvious bias against my worldview.

But when I do research papers, I realize that in order to create a well-balanced and credible essay, I must research and utilize the many varying opinions on an issue. The utilization of diverse opinions requires me to go to all different types of news outlets and hear and read the opinions of people in different places on the social opinions spectrum.

But I have realized that in my quest to receive a baseline of truth only from news outlets that I trust, I am neglecting the ability to be knowledgeable about other points of view. I want to be a scholar not just of the things that I believe and hold dear, but also of the things that I do not fundamentally agree with. Confirmation bias is a two-sided coin, with a positive and a negative side. But, my task is to find the balance of that coin, when and how often to use confirmation bias. I need to also be aware of how I view the world in which I live, especially from where I am standing.

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