Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Progressive Era- Antiwar

 The Progressive Era- Antiwar

War: What Are They Not Telling Us?

War has always been a profitable entity for countries, especially the United States. The money that the United States gets from the perpetuation of war is unparalleled. Because of this positive correlation between money and war, history has proven the suppression, censorship, and ostracism of anti-war voices.

Some wars cannot be avoided, but many can. This nation should not be entering and engaging in wars and disputes that are not our own. I believe that war should be in self-defense and the LAST RESORT. Our government knows this and yet they overlook this fact and continue to place brave soldiers in unnecessary situations because of pride and ego. When will our government put America first; when will the will, well-being, and safety of American citizens mean more than our government's lust for power, money, and control?


When conducting research from, The American Conservative, and other news sources, I can see that just like the silencing of antiwar voices, the US government endeavors to censor any voice or viewpoint that contradicts theirs. What happened to the "marketplace of ideas" that makes America special and unique?


America tends to thrive when the marketplace of ideas is in operation; this allows for all and any point of view and belief system to be expressed and noted. But with the influx of heavy censorship and persecution for those who disagree and merely ask questions about certain topics, it makes me wonder why is there such disdain for those who disagree? Why is there such suppression of opposing thought? Why is the mainstream media biased and so far skewed to the left? Why don’t you ever hear strong antiwar voices or strong “anti-whatever they are doing bad in D.C” voices?


You don’t hear them because when one person asks a question or makes a bold statement that is out of the norm, it causes people to think for themselves and evaluate the reality of what they have been believing and supporting. It causes people to begin to think rationally with common sense and discern with consciousness instead of believing and acting out of emotion.



You also don't hear these antiwar voices because the "powers that be" bury the sites and sources that express these views so deep under the pile of lies and false narratives about the reality and public perception of war. Because they know that the majority of the general public is lazy, doesn't really have a desire to dig for factual information, and only goes to maybe the first three pages of Google, they make these sources so hard to find.

This may be just how I think, but I automatically call foul play when someone is trying to hide or withhold something from me with such vigor. If your information is true and that way of thinking is right, why are so many people going out of their way to prohibit me and so many others from seeing, hearing, learning, and adopting other contrasting principles? Wouldn't truth prevail and rise to the top? I would think so.

American citizens truly need to realize that something is fishy and that they owe it to themselves and their country to figure out why they can't talk about frowned-upon topics like war and why the urge to silence one side is so great. We must educate ourselves on issues like war and never just take what the people try to feed us or how they suppress our opinions. We must do our part and continue to stand for what is right. 

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